Monday, May 30, 2011

Tentamino - hard

I had done a variation on tents ,by that name,sometime ago.The grid was divided into pentominos and some trees were placed.Every pentomino had a tent.It was too constrained to be interesting.This revised version has polyminos of various sizes and each polymino has exactly 2 tents. You will find many unintended uniqueness clues.

Rules:Place a tent near every tree(represented by shaded squares),in one of the four neighbouring cells.tents do not touch,in anyway.Every polymino has exactly two tents.clues outside indicate the number of tents seen in that row/col.

Puzzle edited for uniqueness


  1. Um, uniqueness clues? There are four answers right now, but a second clue could fix that. (I assume your intended answer has a tent at R1C8, but a clue of 2 under column 11 makes for a different solution.)

  2. No,it doesnt have a tent at R1C8.With a tent at R1C8 ,you have 3,4,5 or 6 tents in column 8 and 1 or 2 in column 11(total of 10 solutions).My solution has two tents each in columns 8 and 11.The clue i added should fix it.

  3. ...I must have miscounted earlier. I think this version is identical except for added clues, and I'm counting four solutions *now.* Consider the third tree in the top row (in the unclued ninth column). If its tent is attached below it, there are two solutions, and pitching the tent to the left or right also gives otherwise unique solutions... I think.

    This is really hard.

  4. I second cyrebjr; there are four solutions. I'm new to your blog and I've been enjoying your work, but it's really frustrating to find something like this lying around, especially if someone else pointed out the problem months ago.
