Sunday, August 12, 2012

Rising Skyscrapers

I do not like the title, but could not find a good title either.This test contains some nice puzzles.I like Signage,spiral ships and skyscrapers among those. This post contains two skyscraper puzzles,the first one is a new one(based on the IB at LMI) and the other one below it was based on a variation very similar to this one, except that the digits along grey lines need also to be consecutive. The test has smaller grids,so i guess they might be a little trickier and thus the difficulty might end up being the same as this larger one.
Rules:Fill the grid with digits from the given range,so that each digits appears exactly once in every row and column.Each digit represents a building, with the height of that digit itself.Clues outside the grid indicate the number of buildings that can be seen from the corresponding directions, considering that the taller buildings block the view of the shorter ones.The digits on the grey lines should be in increasing(decreasing) order, from one end to another.
For the second puzzle, the digits have to be consecutive and sorted.


  1. The first is not unique. I think you assumed R7C3 had to be 6, as it crumbles down to a unique solution from that.

  2. Yes,i missed the other option of R7C6.
