Monday, June 25, 2012

Puzzle construction contest

Interested viewers and puzzle authors can try their hand on a masyu challenge. Every entry should contain a masyu puzzle on a 10x10 grid. The solution should obey the following rules:

Draw a single closed loop passing through adjacent squares,moving only horizontally or vertically.The loop cannot visit a square more than once.At every white circle, the loop must go straight through,and it must turn on either or both of the squares visited right before and right after the white circle. At every black circle,the loop must turn, and go straight through both of the two squares visited right before and right after.
A valid entry should have a unique solution which will be forced to visit all 100 cells of the grid. The entry which uses the least number of circles,will be the winner.If there is a tie, the earliest submission will be considered. Entries shall be recieved on , until the 10th of July.


  1. Can I send only one puzzle? Or if I send a puzzle with 20 circles then can I send an other one with 18 later?

  2. Your last submission will be considered

  3. So... no follow up on this at all?
