Monday, June 25, 2012

Puzzle construction contest

Interested viewers and puzzle authors can try their hand on a masyu challenge. Every entry should contain a masyu puzzle on a 10x10 grid. The solution should obey the following rules:

Draw a single closed loop passing through adjacent squares,moving only horizontally or vertically.The loop cannot visit a square more than once.At every white circle, the loop must go straight through,and it must turn on either or both of the squares visited right before and right after the white circle. At every black circle,the loop must turn, and go straight through both of the two squares visited right before and right after.
A valid entry should have a unique solution which will be forced to visit all 100 cells of the grid. The entry which uses the least number of circles,will be the winner.If there is a tie, the earliest submission will be considered. Entries shall be recieved on , until the 10th of July.


Rules:This is a fillomino with cages.The result of the numbers inside a cage with a clue,should be equal to the number .If the clue contains an arithmetic symbol , that operation has to be applied on the numbers.If there is no symbol,any operation can be applied.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Masyu [Landmarks]

This variation is original to this blog. Rules:Follow regular masyu rules.Additionally,the loop must visit a diamond between two visited circles.Diamonds are landmarks and all diamonds will be passed.


NEWS is a nice puzzle.It was first seen at a JPC. Rules:Place the given directions in the grid so that each region contains exactly two directions. Directions in one region should satisfy their positions to each other. No direction can be repeated within a row or column.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Avoid the blocks

This loop variation is a new puzzle idea. Rules: Draw a single closed loop moving horizontally or vertically through the cells. Identify a single block of exactly three orthogonally connected cells in each outlined region.The loop cannot pass through these blocks.All other cells must be visited.If there are m regions,3*m cells will be left unvisited. Here is an easy to medium puzzle.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Fillomino [No 2x2 squares]

Rules: Apart from regular fillomino rules, the variation does not allow the occurence of any 2x2 square, all of whose cells belong to the same polyomino.

Fillomino [All evens and all odds]

This post contains two new fillomino variations Rules for all evens: Odd numbers are not allowed. Rules for all odds: Even numbers are not allowed.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Suraromu[Double entry]

This is a variation of suraromu ,where every gate is visited twice.The second visit may or may not occur immediately after the first visit.

Five each

Five Each is an innovative grid division puzzle inspired by another very similar type of puzzle.
Rules: Place all the given tetrominos at least once into the grid,without overlapping.Every placed figure should contain atleast one of the given numbers.Figures can be rotated or reflected.Numbers contained in all figures of every different shape must add up to 5.Some cell borders may already be given. This introductory puzzle is a bit on the harder side, but logically solvable.