Sunday, July 23, 2017

Puzzle 361: Building Blocks

This is a new object placement puzzle.

Rules: Place some monominos and dominos such that every outlined region contains one monomino and one domino. Identical Shapes cannot touch in any way. Different shapes can touch in any way. One or more shapes placed edge-to-edge form a larger shape. Numbers outside indicate the size of the shape that is seen first from there.

Edit: Puzzle modified in the bottom half for uniqueness

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Puzzle 360: Mobile Tetromino

Rules: Place some tetrominos such that every circle is contained in a tetromino and every tetromino contains one circle. Shaded cells cannot be used. In the end, you should be able to slide each of the tetrominos at least one unit in at least one direction, without being blocked by other tetrominos.

Friday, July 21, 2017

Puzzle 359: Pentomino in pseudotapa

Rules: Place some pentominoes as shaded cells. Pentominoes may be rotated or reflected. Pentominoes
can touch each other only diagonally. All shaded cells must be part of some pentomino. Pentominoes cannot occupy numbered cells. Number(s) in a cell indicates how many shaded cells are contained in a continuous black cell block in its surrounding cells. If there is more than one number in the cell, there has to be at least one white cell separating the black cell blocks. In the end, all pentominoes must be connected through corners as a single unit.

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Puzzle 355: Consecutive Araf

Rules:  Araf with the additional constraint that each region must be adjacent with at least one region of consecutive size.

Edit:  The first version did not have a solution. What you are seeing is a slightly modified version.

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Puzzle 354: Tetromino neighbours

This is a new type of grid division puzzle.

Rules: Divide the grid exactly into tetrominoes such that every circle belongs to a different tetromino. Identical tetrominoes may share edges, except when the two circles in question are orthogonally adjacent.