Monday, May 30, 2011

Tentamino - hard

I had done a variation on tents ,by that name,sometime ago.The grid was divided into pentominos and some trees were placed.Every pentomino had a tent.It was too constrained to be interesting.This revised version has polyminos of various sizes and each polymino has exactly 2 tents. You will find many unintended uniqueness clues.

Rules:Place a tent near every tree(represented by shaded squares),in one of the four neighbouring cells.tents do not touch,in anyway.Every polymino has exactly two tents.clues outside indicate the number of tents seen in that row/col.

Puzzle edited for uniqueness

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Rules:Connect all pairs of equal numbers using straight lines that do not intersect and pass through the centers of cells.

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Rules: Draw a single loop connecting the dots horizonta;lly or vertically.The clues
indicate number of edges of that cell used by the loop.


Rules: Divide the grid into rectangles,every rectangle containing exactly one numbered circle.The number is equal to the area of the rectangle.Rectangles do not overlap.

Edit: A modification in the puzzle.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Antiknight sudoku - medium

Rules:Fill in the grid with digits 1 through 9,such that every row,column and 3x3 boxe contains all different digits.No two same digits are reachable with a single knights move.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Tapa -

This is a tapa.

Rules:Paint some cells black to create a continuous wall. Number/s in a cell indicate the
length of black cell blocks on its neighbouring cells. If there is more than one number in a cell, there
must be at least one white cell between the black cell blocks. Painted cells cannot form a 2x2 square or larger. There are no wall segments on cells containing numbers.

Friday, May 13, 2011

shikaku:Find the pairs

Time for variation.This is my second attempt to draw more from shikaku.Here,the givens are struggling to find a place in the rectangles.Find a mate for them and send them in.

Rules:divide the grid into rectangles,every rectangle containing one or two numbers.The number itself or the sum of two numbers equal the area of the rectangle it/they belong to.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Star battle - Hard

I am content with a star battle for the moment..

Rules: Place two stars in every row,column and outlined region.No two stars can touch each other ,vertically ,horizontally or at a point.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Hitori - Medium

For a change,this is an mxn grid.

: Paint some cells black,such that no row or column contains repeated numbers.Black cells cannot touch vertically or horizontally.All white cells must form a single connected area.