Sunday, October 20, 2013

Puzzle 280: Fillomino

This is a modified version.The originally posted puzzle was non-unique.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Puzzle 279: Pseudoislands

Rules: In addition to usual nurikabe rules, every island must touch the edge of the grid. In other words, no island can be completely surrounded by water.

Puzzle 278: Cipher tapa

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Puzzle 277: Complex tapa

Another new variation on tapa. The clues are complex- each clue has two parts, each revealing different types of information.

Rules: Each clue has two parts, one gives the number of blocks around the clue cell, and the other gives the size of the largest block around the clue cell. Determining which number represents which information is part of the solving process.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Puzzle 276: Dotted tapa

Rules: Every third shaded cell (moving horizontally and row by row)contains a dot. The first shaded cell is not dotted. One number in every clue gives the number of dotted cells around the clue cell. The remaining numbers are standard tapa block clues. Identify the locations of dots and solve the tapa.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Puzzle 275: Cipher tapa

Cipher tapa encodes the number of shaded blocks.
Rules: The clue cells are coloured in one of four colors.Each color represents a different number.All clue cells with the same color contain the same number of blocks around that clue.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Puzzle 274: Alien tapa

Tapa got contaminated and as a result, all the clues have half of the meaning changed. While the clues still represent the number of blocks, the digits in a clue now represent the number of dead-end cells in a block, rather than the total size of the block.