Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Puzzle 244: Tapa in squares

This variation,and many other older ones on this blog, have not seen any work yet. Here is the first Tapa in squares, in 10x10.


Saturday, July 20, 2013

Puzzle 242: Sandwich Tapa

Another new tapa variation.I am sure this is the inverse of Not alone tapa.Do comment if you think I am wrong.This one is almost symmetric.

Rules: Standard tapa rules.In addition to that, all circles indicate that the cells containingg them are sandwiced between atleast one pair of oppositely shaded cells(they are sandwiched horizontally or/and vertically). Whenever you see a circle along the edge of the grid, assume that you still need to shade/unshade two cells to form a valid pair around the clue.