Friday, August 31, 2012

Anti-knight tapa

Rules:Paint some cells black to create a continuous wall.Number/s in a cell indicate the length of black cell blocks on its neighbouring cells.If there is more than one number in a cell,there must be atleast one white cell between the black cell blocks.Painted cells cannot form a 2x2 square or larger.There are no wall segments on cells containing numbers. Two unshaded cells cannot be at one move of the chess knight ,from each other.Clue cells are not considered as unshaded.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Di.. practice

This weekend's LMI test is written by Riad.Its going to be a great fun test.Diversion is quite a basic one, so i guess the one on the test is going to be harder than this.
Edits: Diamonds had 2 unused diamonds,which are not there now.





Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Crossing rules

This is one of my original puzzle types. Rules: Write a letter in some cells so that all the given words can be read exactly once either from top to bottom or left to right,like in a crossword.Words that are not in the list cannot be read in the crossword.For every cell which belongs to two words,the letters that are in adjacent cells should all be different.

Tapa decomposition

This is a Decomposition tapa.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Latin reformation

This is another of my original puzzle types.

Rules: Modify exactly two numbers in each row and column,to form a latin square.a latin square nxn contains exactly one occurence of all numbers 1 through n in each row and column.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Friday, August 24, 2012

Tapa builder

This is one of my tapa variations.

Rules: Place a snake using regular snake rules.Head and tail are given.Then complete the regular tapa by painting some more cells.Numbers on the left and top indicate the number of cells occupied by the snake.Numbers on the right and bottom indicate the number of additional cells you have to paint to complete the tapa.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Design contest 2

Fillomino rules: Divide the grid into polyominos ,and write a number in every cell,such that every number in the grid is contained in a polyomino of that area.Polyominos of the same size cannot touch through edges.A polyomino can contain one,more than one,or none of the given numbers.

You are asked to create a fillomino which :
1. has a unique solution,
2. contains clues only in the grey cells(see the layout below).All grey cells will have clues.

Your objective is to minimize the sum of all clues.

If you are entering the contest,and if two or more puzzles tie on the score,you agree that I will pick the best puzzle based on how much i liked the puzzle, not based on how early it was submitted.
Labelled(i mean the clues added up)entries should be sent to until the 2nd of September.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Friday, August 17, 2012

Clean cruise

This puzzle is featuring at the LMI test this weekend under the name nurikabe loop.
Rules:Create some islands, surrounded with cells that can all be traversed by a single closed loop,without intersecting itself.The numbers in the grid indicate the sizes of the corresponding white areas.An area cannot contain more than one number. White areas cannot touch each other,except at a point.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Difference fillomino

Rules:Divide the grid into polyominos ,and write a number in every cell,such that every number in the grid is contained in a polyomino of that area.Polyominos of the same size cannot touch through edges.A polyomino can contain one,more than one,or none of the given numbers.Some cells have clues of the form x(y) followed by an arrow. 'x' is the absolute difference between the number in that cell and the number in the cell that is 'y' units away from that cell in the direction indicated by the arrow.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Rules: Paint some cells black to create a continuous wall.Number/s in a cell indicate the length of black cell blocks on its neighbouring cells.If there is more than one number in a cell,there must be atleast one white cell between the black cell blocks.Painted cells cannot form a 2x2 square or larger.There are no wall segments on cells containing numbers.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Rising Skyscrapers

I do not like the title, but could not find a good title either.This test contains some nice puzzles.I like Signage,spiral ships and skyscrapers among those. This post contains two skyscraper puzzles,the first one is a new one(based on the IB at LMI) and the other one below it was based on a variation very similar to this one, except that the digits along grey lines need also to be consecutive. The test has smaller grids,so i guess they might be a little trickier and thus the difficulty might end up being the same as this larger one.
Rules:Fill the grid with digits from the given range,so that each digits appears exactly once in every row and column.Each digit represents a building, with the height of that digit itself.Clues outside the grid indicate the number of buildings that can be seen from the corresponding directions, considering that the taller buildings block the view of the shorter ones.The digits on the grey lines should be in increasing(decreasing) order, from one end to another.
For the second puzzle, the digits have to be consecutive and sorted.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Relational slitherlink

I revisited this variation after a very long time.

Puzzle edited in the bottom-left for uniqueness.Thanks to boing for pointing it out.

Coin collection

This is a Coin collection puzzle.

Network fillomino

This is a new fillomino variation. Rules:Divide the grid into polyominos ,and write a number in every cell,such that every number in the grid is contained in a polyomino of that area.Polyominos of the same size cannot touch through edges.A polyomino can contain one,more than one,or none of the given numbers.Place exactly one circle in every polyomino.Cells containing circles cannot form 2x2 squares.All these circles should be interconnected,i.e., every circle should be reachable from every other circle by moving horizontally or vertically through the cells.Some circles are already given.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012



Fillomino: Parity of neighbours

Rules: Divide the grid into polyominos ,and write a number in every cell,such that every number in the grid is contained in a polyomino of that area.Polyominos of the same size cannot touch through edges.A polyomino can contain one,more than one,or none of the given numbers. If a cell is colored,all the polyominos that this cell borders with,are all of the same parity,opposite to the parity of the polyomino that this cell belongs to. Every shaded cell shares a border with atleast one polyomino.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Sudoku graph

This is one of my sudoku ideas. Rules: Place a digit from 1 to 9 so that each digit appears exactly once in every row, column and outlined 3x3 region.digits outside show all occurences of digits of which are smaller than their immediate predecessor in that row/column.An '*' indicates there could be any number of such digits in that row/column.

Pentomino Shikaku

Rules:divide the grid into rectangles.Every number should be contained in a rectangle of that area.No two numbers belong to the same rectangle.The remaining cells should be divided into all twelve different pentominos.Each cell with a circle belongs to a different pentomino.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Fillomino : Twins

Rules:Divide the grid into polyominos ,and write a number in every cell,such that every number in the grid is contained in a polyomino of that area.Polyominos of the same size cannot touch through edges.A polyomino can contain one,more than one,or none of the given numbers. For every polyomino in the grid,there is exactly one polyomino,identical in both shape and size.

Fillomino: Dead ends

This is a new fillomino variation.
Rules: Divide the grid into polyominos ,and write a number in every cell,such that every number in the grid is contained in a polyomino of that area.Polyominos of the same size cannot touch through edges.A polyomino can contain one,more than one,or none of the given numbers. Grey cells are dead ends.A cell is a dead end cell if it is connected with exactly one cell of the polyomino it belongs to.1-cell areas are not dead ends.All dead ends are marked.None of the white cells are dead-ends.
Modified for uniqueness