Sunday, April 30, 2017

Puzzle 325: Outshone Skyscrapers

Rules: Place digits 1 to n into nxn grid such that each row and column contains the digits 1 to n exactly once. Digits represent skyscrapers. Larger skyscrapers block the view of smaller skyscrapers behind them. Numbers outside indicate how many skyscrapers are visible in the corresponding direction.
In every outlined domino, the larger skyscraper  outshines the smaller neighbor even if it is behind the smaller skyscraper wrt the point of view. In other words, only one of the two skyscrapers is visible in the direction along the longer side of the domino.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Puzzle 325: Suspended Battleships

Rules: Place the given fleet of ships. Ships may not touch each other, not even diagonally. Ships may not use cells with wave. Each ship is tied to a different numbered cell. There must be a path starting in a numbered cell, and moving horizontally or vertically through empty cells and ending in a dead-end cell of a ship. Path may not overlap with other paths or ship segments. Number indicates the Length of the path starting in that cell.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Puzzle 324: Marine Camping

Rules:  The grid contains trees. Trees are surrounded by water. Place the given fleet of ships into the grid. There is a tree for every ship. Ships may not touch each other, not even diagonally. Numbers outside indicate how many cells in the corresponding row or column are occupied by ship segments. Each ship should be placed beside its tree, such that the tree is adjacent to a dead-end segment of the ship.

Puzzle 323: Magic Ways

Rules: Place numbers in the given range such that each row,column and outlined region contain each number exactly once. It should be possible go draw a path starting in the cell containing the number 1, moving horizontally or vertically through adjacent cells, visiting all numbers in ascending order, and ending in the largest number in the given range.

Range: 1, 2, 3

Monday, April 24, 2017

Puzzle 322: Fillomino-where is seven?

Rules: In addition to usual fillomino rules, no two adjacent numbers can add up to 7.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Puzzle 321: Second-hand Skyscrapers

This variation breaks the innovation barrier to take skyscrapers to a new level, literally.

Rules:  Fill in the grid such that each row and column contains the digits 1 to 6.  Digits represent skyscrapers. Larger skyscrapers block the view of smaller skyscrapers behind them. The observers are positioned in the second level right behind each usual observer, and view the skyscrapers through the first-level clues. The usual observers behave as skyscrapers too, and provide a distorted view to the observers behind them, based on the number of buildings they see. 

Friday, April 21, 2017

Puzzle 320: Sum Skyscrapers

Rules: Fill in the grid such that each row and column contains the digits 1 to 6. Numbers outside represent sums of heights of skyscrapers visible from that direction. Larger skscrapers block the view of smaller skyscrapers behind them.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Puzzle 319: Fill-Row-Mino

A new fillomino type again.

Rules: Divide the grid along the gridlines into some regions, and fill each of the empty cells with a
number. When two cells containing the same number touch along an edge, they must both belong to the same region. Given numbers represent the area of the region they belong to. A region may contain none, or one or more of the givens. Additionally, Every horizontal row must contain at least three different numbers.

Friday, April 14, 2017

Puzzle 318: Balanced Tetrominoes

This is a new puzzle type.

Rules: Divide the grid into tetrominoes such that every tetromino contains one square, and one circle. No two identical tetrominoes (rotations and reflections included)may be orthogonally adjacent. Tetrominoes may be rotated and reflected.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Puzzle 317: Disfigured Retro Fillomino

A new fillomino variation.

Rules: A disfigured fillominno solution has exactly two bad numbers in every row and column. Find the bad numbers and restore the fillomino.
Theme: Cut the cake

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Puzzle 316: Dead End Penta

This is a variation on the classic Penta puzzle.

Rules: Place some pentominoes into the grid without repetitions. Rotations and reflections are allowed. Pentominoes may not  touch each other, not even diagonally. Numbers outside indicate how many dead end cells of pentominoes use that row or column. Black cells must remain empty.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Puzzle 315: Masyu/AntiMasyu-AntiSurround/Surround

This is a very interesting new type of loop puzzle.

Draw a closed loop connecting the centres of some cells horizontally or vertically. All circles must be visited. The loop may not intersect itself. The loop has to go straight through every white circle, and make a 90 degrees turn in at least one adjacent cell, while it has to make a turn in every black circle and go straight through both cells adjacent to the circle. Some circles are not Masyu, meaning the loop does not obey either of the Masyu rules when passing through those circles. Around any Masyu circle, not all cells can be visited. Around rest of the circles, all cells must be used by the loop.