Rules: Place digits 1 to n into nxn grid such that each row and column contains the digits 1 to n exactly once. Digits represent skyscrapers. Larger skyscrapers block the view of smaller skyscrapers behind them. Numbers outside indicate how many skyscrapers are visible in the corresponding direction.
In every outlined domino, the larger skyscraper outshines the smaller neighbor even if it is behind the smaller skyscraper wrt the point of view. In other words, only one of the two skyscrapers is visible in the direction along the longer side of the domino.
In every outlined domino, the larger skyscraper outshines the smaller neighbor even if it is behind the smaller skyscraper wrt the point of view. In other words, only one of the two skyscrapers is visible in the direction along the longer side of the domino.