Saturday, September 25, 2021

Fourth Puzzlerium Optimization Championship

The fourth instalment of the prestigious “Puzzlerium Optimization Championship” begins today. Anyone interested can put their skills to test in a competitive setup.

You may download the PDF containing the puzzles and start solving. All instructions are detailed in the document.

Questions may be asked by commenting here or at the FB event

Friday, September 24, 2021

Puzzlerium tour: Pentominous

Theme: The odd "L" and the missing "L"

Rules: Divide the grid into pentominoes such that every unshaded cell in the grid is part of exactly one pentomino (Shaded cells remain unused). Pentominoes of the same shape (rotations and reflections of a pentomino count as the same shape) cannot touch each other along an edge (but they may touch diagonally). Given letters, if any, must be part of a pentomino with that letter’s shape. It is permissible for a pentomino to contain more than one letter.

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Puzzlerium tour: Pentominous


Theme: Clueless

Rules: Divide the grid into pentominoes such that every unshaded cell in the grid is part of exactly one pentomino (Shaded cells remain unused). Pentominoes of the same shape (rotations and reflections of a pentomino count as the same shape) cannot touch each other along an edge (but they may touch diagonally). Given letters, if any, must be part of a pentomino with that letter’s shape. It is permissible for a pentomino to contain more than one letter.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Puzzlerium tour: Complex Replicas


Rules: Shade in exactly three cells in each of the bold outlined regions so that all of the unshaded cells are connected orthogonally in a single group. Shaded cells may only be diagonally adjacent. Every triplet of shaded cells within each region must be  located identically with respect to each other. Clues outside give the number of shaded cells in the corresponding direction.

About: Complex Replicas was invented by Anurag Sahay in September 2021.

Monday, September 20, 2021

Puzzlerium tour: No Replicas

Theme: Just Fits

Rules: Shade in exactly two cells in each of the bold outlined regions so that all of the unshaded cells are connected orthogonally in a single group. Shaded cells may only be diagonally adjacent. No two pairs of shaded cells within each region may be located identically with respect to each other. Clues outside give the number of shaded cells in the corresponding direction.

About: No Replicas was invented by Anurag Sahay in September 2021.

Friday, September 17, 2021

Puzzlerium tour: Replicas


Rules: Shade in exactly two cells in each of the bold outlined regions so that all of the unshaded cells are connected orthogonally in a single group. Shaded cells may only be diagonally adjacent. Every pair of shaded cells within each region must be  located identically with respect to each other. 

About: Replicas was invented by Anurag Sahay in September 2021.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Puzzlerium tour: Skyscrapers (Exclusive)


RulesPlace a number from 1 to N into each cell of the square grid so that each number appears exactly once in each row and column, where N is the length of the square's side. Each number inside the grid represents a skyscraper of its respective height. The outside clues indicate either of two quantities - the number of skyscrapers of odd heights visible in that direction, or the number of skyscrapers of even heights visible in that direction. Smaller skyscrapers are hidden behind taller ones. Clues are unlabeled - which skyscrapers they represent has to be determined as the puzzle is solved.

Monday, September 13, 2021

Fourth Puzzlerium Optimization Championship

The Puzzlerium Optimization Championship returns with the fourth edition on the 25th of September. The Facebook page will be updated with the event soon.

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Puzzlerium tour: Spotlight

Rules: Divide the grid along the gridlines into rectangles such that every rectangle contains two circles and no circle is at the corner (every rectangle 1xn has 2 corners and mxn has 4 corners). No two rectangles of the same area (for example, 5x6 and 3x10) may be orthogonally adjacent.

About: Spotlight was invented by Anurag Sahay in September 2021.

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Puzzlerium tour: LITS (Grouping)

Rules: Shade in some cells such that each outlined area contains exactly four shaded cells that form a tetromino. No 2×2 square may be shaded completely. All shapes must be connected to form a single contiguous group of shaded cells. Identical figures, regardless of rotation or reflection, may not share an edge. Any Xs mean the cell may not be shaded.

All identical outlined areas must contain the same tetromino, but no two dissimilar areas may use the same tetromino.

About: LITS Grouping was invented by Anurag Sahay in 2021.