Saturday, October 30, 2021

Puzzlerium tour: XY Loop

Rules: Draw a single non-intersecting loop vertically or horizontally through some cells. The loop must visit each bold outlined region once. The number of cells visited in each subsequent region along the path of the loop must alternate between X and Y (X and Y are constants that generally are to be determined).

Theme: The Big and the Small

About: XY Loop was invented by Anurag Sahay in 2021 and debuts today.

Friday, October 29, 2021

Puzzlerium tour: Binary Island Systems

Statistics say this is the 500th post. What better way to mark it than this delectable construction?  


Rules: Shade some cells so that all shaded cells are connected and no 2×2 square is completely shaded. Cells with numbers cannot be shaded. Each group of connected unshaded cells forms an island; islands can touch each other diagonally. Each island must contain exactly one given number, and that number indicates the size of the island. Each island also pairs up with one other island - the islands within a pair are connected through a corner. Such connections are exclusive - islands from any of the pairs never touch a third island outside the pair.  

About: Binary Island Systems was invented by Anurag Sahay in 2021 and debuts today.

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Puzzlerium tour: Masyu Plus


RulesDraw a single loop that consists of horizontal and vertical paths through the centres of cells, and does not intersect itself or enter the same cell more than once. The loop must pass straight through the cells with white circles, making a turn in at least one of the cells immediately before or after visiting each white circle. The loop must make a turn in all the black circles, but must go straight in both cells immediately before and after visiting each black circle. Some circles are labeled with a '+' sign. When the loop visits two circles successively and both circles contain a plus sign, the loop must make exactly one turn between those circles. 

About Masyu Plus: Invented by Anurag Sahay in 2021.

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Puzzlerium tour: Binary Loop

Theme: No way out 

Rules:  Draw a single non-intersecting loop vertically or horizontally through some of the cells. Some edges are marked either bold or dotted - with each category following either of two sets of rules - one set requiring the loop to use exactly one of the two cells on either side of the edge, and the other set either requiring the loop to use both cells or neither. The edge-ruleset mapping is not given and has to be determined.

About: Binary Loop was invented by Anurag Sahay in 2021.

Monday, October 25, 2021

Puzzlerium tour: TomTom (Superfluous)


Theme: The Superfluous "Square"

Rules: Fill in the square grid of side N, with digits 1 to N+1, so that each digit appears exactly once in each row and column. One cell in each row and column contains two digits, while all other cells contain one digit each.  The clue in each outlined cage indicates the result of a mathematical operation applied successively to each of the digits (and a two-digit number formed by joining two digits in a cell, if any) in the cage, starting from the largest to the smallest for division and subtraction. The operation may or may not be given in the cage, but at least one of the four operations must apply. Digits can repeat within a cage.

About : This variant of TomTom was invented by Anurag Sahay.

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Vladimir Burik wins the Fourth Puzzlerium Optimization Championship

Vladimir Burik has reclaimed the Puzzlerium Optimization Championship as he registered a third win. Coming off a setback in the last edition, the Ukrainian came very close to a clean sweep, losing out on just one puzzle as the last edition's champion Gerhard  Richter produced what is possibly the optimal construction of the "Pentomino Fortress". Vladimir impressed with a 39-pointer (is this optimal?) construction of the "Interior illumination" puzzle.

Detailed results can be found in this spreadsheet. Best solutions follow. A better construction is possible on "Six ways" (326 points, displayed at the end of the post).   

"Interior Illumination" and "Skyscrapers (Exclusive)" were found to be the most liked puzzles.


Pento Fences

Interior Illumination

Skyscrapers  (Exclusive)


Pentomino Fortress (66)

Three moves apart (32)

Six ways 


Monday, October 18, 2021

Puzzlerium tour: TomTom (Meta)

Theme: Tondescending

Rules: Place a number from 1 to N into each cell of the square grid so that each number appears exactly once in each row and column, where N is the length of the square's side. In this variant, the clues inside the cages are removed, and the new clues indicate the result of one of the four arithmetic operations (+,-,x,/) applied to the results of the operations inside the first two cages encountered when looking in the direction of the clue. Results are always integral. When an operator accompanies a given, it means that operator has to be applied. 

About : This variant of TomTom was invented by Anurag Sahay.

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Puzzlerium tour: Convoluted

Rules: Some circles of two or more colors are given (the puzzle above has circles of two colors). Draw a single non-intersecting loop vertically or horizontally through all cells. If two circles of different colors are visited successively(without any empty cell between them), the loop must turn both immediately after and immediately before visiting those circles. 

About: Convoluted was invented by Anurag Sahay in 2021.

Saturday, October 9, 2021

Puzzlerium tour: Myopic Numbers


Rules: Fill in every outlined area with numbers 1 to N without repition, where N is the number of cells enclosed in the area. Arrows indicate all directions with the closest cell containing the number in the clue cell. Equal numbers cannot share an edge.

About: Myopic Numbers was invented by Anurag Sahay in 2018.

Friday, October 1, 2021

Puzzlerium tour: Aqua Loop


Rules: Some water moleules are hidden in the grid. Each molecule is a trimino with the letter 'O' in the center and two 'H's in the endsLocate all the water molecules in without overlapping, such that.every trimino includes at least one given letter. Then, draw a single loop through all cells. No two adjacent cells along the path of the loop may contain the same letter.

About: Aqua Loop was conceived by Anurag Sahay in 2021.