Monday, May 30, 2022

Puzzlerium Tour: Mixed Camping


Rules: Place a tent next to each tree. Tents cannot touch other tents, not even

diagonally. Some tents are one cell wide and two cells long - like a domino - while other tents are 1x1. All trees in red-colored cells are attached to tents of one kind, and all trees in white cells to tents of the other kind. Clues outside indicate how many tents must be placed in that row. 

Friday, May 27, 2022

Puzzlerium Tour: Fragmented by Division


RulesDivide the grid into areas of cells each - or tetrominoes - leaving some cells unused. Unused cells cannot be adjacent to one another. If both cells on either side of a given bold edge are used by a tetromino, it indicates that both tetrominoes are required to be identical, albeit with different orientations.

About: "Fragmented by divisionwas invented by Anurag Sahay.

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Puzzlerium Tour: Strategic Camping


Rules: Place a tent next to each tree. Tents cannot touch other tents, not even

diagonally. Clues outside indicate how many tents must be placed in that row.

The cells not used by trees or tents cannot form 2x2 blocks anywhere.

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Puzzlerium Tour: Open Camping


Rules: Place a tent next to each tree. Tents cannot touch other tents, not even

diagonally. Clues outside indicate how many tents must be placed in that row.

The cells not used by trees or tents should all be connected in one single block of contiguous cells.

Sunday, May 1, 2022

Puzzlerium Tour: Caged Ends


Rules: Shade in two or three cells in each of the bold outlined regions so that all of the unshaded cells are connected orthogonally in a single group. Shaded cells may only be diagonally adjacent. In each region, the shaded cells correspond to all the dead-end cells of a pentomino. Shaded cells in a region may resolve to multiple  pentomino shapes as long as the ten regions together resolve to ten different pentomino shapes. Pentominoes may overlap partially and can be rotated and reflected. Clues outside, if any,  give the number of shaded cells in the corresponding direction.

About: "Caged Ends" was invented by Anurag Sahay.