Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Puzzle 268: Tapa in Kakuro

When I developed kakuro-style tapa, I was not sure if the title would be a good fit, as it was not exactly modelled on the kakuro theme, the "all different numbers in a row" being the only kakuro element. So, I had to add the word 'style' to the title to indicate a kakuro-like behaviour. This new kakuro adaptation of tapa ,'Tapa in kakuro', attempts to close that gap. Now, the outside ( and inside,if any) clues indicate the sum of 'sizes of blocks', not the number of blocks.
For the record, this takes the number of my tapa variations alone to an astounding 48.

Rules: In addition to regular tapa rules, clues in black cells represent the total number of shaded cells in the corresponding directions. For any direction provided with a clue, all separate blocks of shaded cells must be of different lengths.

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