Friday, December 30, 2022

Puzzlerium Tour: Office Spaces


Theme: A black year

Rules: Subdivide the grid along the borders into regions of orthogonally connected cells, with each region enclosing exactly one given circle. 

- A region containing a white circle is always a square of any size. 

- Black circles are contained in regions of irregular shape.  

- Two regions of the same size cannot share borders.

- Given numbers represent the area of the region they are contained in.

- All cells corresponding to irregular regions must be connected in a single group of orthogonally connected cells.  

About : This puzzle type was invented by Anurag Sahay.

Monday, December 26, 2022

Puzzlerium Tour: Roadblocks


Rules: Place a few squares of side 2 or larger so that they do not touch each other, not even at a point. Each given number tells how many cells in the corresponding direction are used by the squares. Then, draw a loop that does not intersect itself and moves horizontally or vertically between centers of white (unused) cells and visits each white cell once. The loop cannot pass through the edges marked 'x'. 

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Puzzlerium Tour: Office Spaces

Theme: Perfect Squares

Rules: Subdivide the grid along the borders into regions of orthogonally connected cells, with each region enclosing exactly one given circle. 

- A region containing a white circle is always a square of any size. 

- Black circles are contained in regions with irregular shapes.  

- Two regions of the same size cannot share borders.

- Given numbers represent the area of the region they are contained in.

- All cells corresponding to irregular regions must be connected in a single group of orthogonally connected cells.  

About : This puzzle type was invented by Anurag Sahay.

Friday, December 23, 2022

Puzzlerium Tour: Shapography


Rules: Shade some cells such that all unshaded cells are connected in a single group. Clue cells cannot be shaded. Shaded cells cannot share borders with each other. In each outlined region, only one kind of cells can be shaded - those that have the same number of bold edges (including grid borders). Given numbers tell how many cells in that region will be shaded.

About: This puzzle type was invented by Anurag Sahay.

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Puzzlerium Tour: Dyeing

 Rules: Shade some cells such that all unshaded cells are divided in groups of connected cells, each containing one clue cell. Given numbers indicate the size of the unshaded area. Each group of connected shaded cells must form a rectangle (or a square), and all such groups must be connected diagonally. 

About: This puzzle type was invented by Anurag Sahay

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Puzzlerium Tour: Nurikabe (Cipher)

Rules: Each different letter stands for a different non-zero integer. Shade some cells so that all shaded cells are connected and no 2×2 square is completely shaded. Cells with numbers cannot be shaded. Each group of connected unshaded cells forms an island; islands can touch each other diagonally. Each island must contain exactly one given number that indicates the number of cells inside the containing island.

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Puzzlerium Tour: Office Spaces

Theme: Antisymmetric triplets

Rules: Subdivide the grid along the borders into regions of orthogonally connected cells, with each region enclosing exactly one given circle. 

- A region containing a white circle is always a square of any size. 

- Black circles are contained in regions with irregular shapes.  

- Two regions of the same size cannot share borders.

- Given numbers represent the area of the region they are contained in.

- All cells corresponding to irregular regions must be connected in a single group of orthogonally connected cells.  

About : This puzzle type was invented by Anurag Sahay.

Monday, December 19, 2022

Puzzlerium Tour: Shapography


Rules: Shade some cells such that all unshaded cells are connected in a single group. Clue cells cannot be shaded. Shaded cells cannot share borders with each other. In each outlined region, only one kind of cells can be shaded - those that have the same number of bold edges (including grid borders). Given numbers tell how many cells in that region will be shaded.

About: This puzzle type was invented by Anurag Sahay.

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Puzzlerium Tour: Room To No Room


Rules: Shade some cells such that every room is filled up starting with one shaded cell, followed by two shaded cells that are adjacent to each other, and so on, until there is no more room to shade n cells in the nth step.  When some cells remain to be shaded but cannot be, enter 'x' in those cells, making sure they do not share a border. Shaded cell groups of the same size cannot share a border. Some 'x's may already be given.

About: This puzzle type was invented by Anurag Sahay

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Puzzlerium Tour: Dyeing

 Rules: Shade some cells such that all unshaded cells are divided in groups of connected cells, each containing one clue cell. Given numbers indicate the size of the unshaded area. Each group of connected shaded cells must form a rectangle (or a square), and all such groups must be connected diagonally. 

About: This puzzle type was invented by Anurag Sahay

Friday, December 16, 2022

Puzzlerium Tour: Clones in the Neighborhood


Rules:  Enter numbers 1 to N inside each outlined region where N is the number of cells in the corresponding region. No two equal numbers share an edge. Some numbers are already given. Small numbers given in the top-left of some cells indicate that that many contiguous cells in the region - including the cell with the number - make a set of numbers (a combinatorial clone) identical to at least one group of the same size and shape in a neighboring region. The two clones must share at least one edge. 

About: This puzzle type was invented by Anurag Sahay.

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Puzzlerium Tour: Budgeted Loop


Rules: Draw a loop that does not intersect itself and moves horizontally or vertically between centers of cells, and visits each outlined region twice. The part of the loop that contains a clue cell visits as many cells in the region as the number in the cell.

About: Invented by Anurag Sahay.

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Puzzlerium Tour: Pentusal


Rules: Place some pentomino shapes, no more than once each (rotations and reflections of the same shape are considered identical). Shapes are not allowed to touch, not even diagonally. Blackened cells (if given) cannot be used. Arrows indicate that there is exactly one pentomino (other than the pentomino containing the arrow) in the direction pointed to. Every cell with an arrow(s) must be used by a pentomino.

About: Invented by Anurag Sahay.

Monday, December 12, 2022

Puzzlerium Tour: Kites

Fly 'em high.

Rules: Subdivide the grid into regions of orthogonally connected cells, with each region enclosing one or more kites. 

- Each kite has a tail attached to it; the tail is an orthogonal path through cell centers with length greater than or equal to 1. 

- Tails do not overlap each other or enter cells containing other kites. 

- Tails also remain entirely in the region that their kite is contained in. 

- Kites that are in cells that share a border are in the same region. 

- All kites in a region have different and consecutive tail lengths. Given numbers indicate the length of the corresponding tail. 

- Every cell in the grid is used by a kite.

- Any given 'x's on edges indicate that the tails cannot use the edge.

About : This puzzle type was invented by Anurag Sahay.

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Puzzlerium Tour: Circuit Jam

 Rules: Place pentomino shapes, rotations and reflections allowed, such that each shape contains one given letter that represents the shape. Each given letter must be contained in a shape. Shapes do not overlap, but are allowed to be adjacent to each other. Shapes cannot use Blackened cells (if given). There must be one or more ways of reaching from one letter to another that is identical to it, following orthogonal paths. Two paths do not overlap or intersect each other or shapes other than they those originate in. Paths may use given blackened cells.

About: Invented by Anurag Sahay

Monday, December 5, 2022

Puzzlerium Tour: In-sight


Rules: Place some pentomino shapes, twice each, one in each bold outlined region (rotations and reflections of the same shape are considered identical). Shapes are not allowed to touch, not even diagonally. Blackened cells (if given) cannot be used. Identical pentominoes cannot be placed inside regions that share an edge. In at least one row or column, identical pentominoes from each pair must be in the line of sight of each other without any other shape blocking the view. 

About: Invented by Anurag Sahay.

Friday, December 2, 2022

Puzzlerium Tour: Cutting-edge Pentomino


Rules: Place some of the ten given pentomino shapes (the set with 'X' and 'P' excluded), not more than once each (rotations and reflections of the same shape are considered identical). Shapes do not overlap, but are allowed to touch diagonally. Blackened cells (if given) cannot be used. Given dots correspond to one pentomino each, and represent the edge that divides the pentomino into two parts - one containing 2 cells, and the other, 3 cells. There is no pentomino that is not divided by a dot. In the end, all of the unused cells must be connected in a single group through other unused cells.

About: Invented by Anurag Sahay.

Thursday, December 1, 2022

Puzzlerium Tour: Plurality

Rules: Shade some cells such that all unshaded cells are connected in a single group. Clue cells cannot be shaded. Each group of connected shaded cells must form a rectangle (or a square). Clue cells must be adjacent to one or more shaded cells. Given numbers represent the sum of sizes of all of the rectangles/squares adjacent to it. 

About: Plurality is an extension of the Nikoli puzzle "Tasquare".