Monday, December 12, 2022

Puzzlerium Tour: Kites

Fly 'em high.

Rules: Subdivide the grid into regions of orthogonally connected cells, with each region enclosing one or more kites. 

- Each kite has a tail attached to it; the tail is an orthogonal path through cell centers with length greater than or equal to 1. 

- Tails do not overlap each other or enter cells containing other kites. 

- Tails also remain entirely in the region that their kite is contained in. 

- Kites that are in cells that share a border are in the same region. 

- All kites in a region have different and consecutive tail lengths. Given numbers indicate the length of the corresponding tail. 

- Every cell in the grid is used by a kite.

- Any given 'x's on edges indicate that the tails cannot use the edge.

About : This puzzle type was invented by Anurag Sahay.

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