Saturday, August 20, 2011

Tetraconnect - easy

Rules: Place all seven tetraminos into the grid,once each,IF a cell contains a number,it indicates how many tetraminos are diagonally adjacent to that cell.Clue cells cannot be enmpty.No two tetraminos can be placed edge-adjacent.


  1. Hm? I thought I commented on this. Well, I'll do that now.

    This is indeed an easy puzzle, and even fun, once the rules are understood. I'd be curious to see if this puzzle type was done elsewhere. I'd like to offer clarifications to the rules, rearranging them for better flow.

    "Place all seven tetraminos into the grid, once each." These seven tetrominoes are the five common shapes, ILOST, plus reflections of the L and S. They can be remembered as JO LISZT. These seven shapes already include reflections, so reflecting shapes is not allowed, but rotating them is.

    "No two tetraminos can be placed edge-adjacent." Of course, corner-adjacency is allowed and almost expected.

    "Clue cells cannot be empty." This means that the seven shapes cover all the clues. This makes for an important distinction regarding the last rule:

    "If a cell contains a number,it indicates how many tetraminos are diagonally adjacent to that cell." This count won't include the tetromino which contains the clue. See the touching 0s? They're part of the same shape.

    These look like they'd be fun to make. I'll keep them in mind.

  2. Thanks for the comment and the better sounding instructions.
    I actually expected comments on the mammoth akari.
    However,you are right about tetraconnect,and as all of that was seemingly implied by my definition,i didnt want to be as explicit.This 2009 puzzle was found hiding somewhere in my laptop.
    To answer your query,this wasnt done elsewhere,though someone had done something similar,which required all figures to be reachable diagonally and all the points of contact were the givens(without counts).
