Saturday, September 26, 2020

Puzzlerium Tour: Perfectland

Perfectland is as much a region division puzzle as it is a path puzzle. I reckon it comes closest to "Cave" in its feel. Instructions get slightly on the longer side, but it is only comforting that some Nikoli puzzles have instructions that are longer than this.


1.The grid contains symbols of three kinds, each representing living spaces. The task is to divide the grid along the gridlines into regions that enclose exactly one instance of each of the three symbols, so that a straight line path can be drawn in each region that visits each of the symbols without having to branch out, and starts and ends in one of the symbols. Some region borders may already be given.

2. No region may fully enclose any 2x2 areas of cells. In each region, there must be at least one cell not visited by the path (representing unused areas), and all such cells in the entire grid must be connected in a single group.

3. Unused cells cannot be scattered within a region - all of the unused cells in a given region must be connected in a single group. 

About Perfectland: Invented by Anurag Sahay, Perfectland was first published in 2020 (see example below to better understand how it works). 


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