Sunday, October 4, 2020

Puzzlerium Tour: Evasive Masyu

I didn't really work on anything based on the Linesweeper style of givens in recent years - what I can recall best - so considering that I am the harbinger of Linesweeper-like puzzles, including "Linesweeper" which was apparently inspired, I thought it was best to finally try something again. Hitherto, I don't know of any Masyusweeper, not at least with the exact ruleset that today's puzzle brings. Therefore, I believe that I can claim originality. I started constructing trying not to create an obvious break-in, but nonetheless, this one has shaped up into one with a delicious logical path.

RulesDraw a single loop that passes orthogonally through the centres of cells, and does not intersect itself or enter the same cell more than once. The loop may either go through the pearls or not.  When it visits a pearl, the following rules apply: The loop must go straight through the cells with white circles, making a turn in at least one of the cells immediately before or after visiting each white circle. The loop must make a turn in all the black circles, but must go straight in both cells immediately before and after visiting each black circle.

  When it does not, the following rules apply: 

For pearls of each color, the number of neighboring cells used by the loop must be equal to the number given on top of the puzzle grid.

About Evasive Masyu: This is a variant of Masyu, a Nikoli puzzle. Evasive Masyu debuts today with this post.

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