Friday, October 28, 2022

Puzzlerium Tour: The Hyperloop

Rules:  The grid is a layout of the Hyperloop network. Clue cells represent endpoints of each track, the length of the track represented by the given number. A track's path is a straight line between cell centers, and two tracks may only intersect inside a pod, and they always go straight through an intersection. Pods are 2x2 squares that do not touch each other, not even at a corner. No cell inside a pod can contain a 90 deg. turn of the path of the track. Not all cells in a pod need to contain tracks, and not all ccells need be intersections. Also, the stations can be a part of the pods. Given numbers outside the grid indicate how many pods are located in the corresponding direction. Although hypothetical, two adjacent cells can be endpoints of the same track.

About: This puzzle type was invented by Anurag Sahay.

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