Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Puzzlerium Tour: Leeway



Rules: Shade some cells such that each region outlined in bold contains as many shaded cells as small given numbers (if any) in top-left corner of the cell indicate.

- Shaded cells form blocks of orthogonally connected cells. Each such block is comprised of two or more distinct smaller blocks that are each wholly contained in a different region, thus separated by grid borders. For each block, there can only be one sub-block per region.

- Shaded cell blocks can only touch diagonally.

- Each given big number belongs to a block, giving its size, and each block contains exactly one given number. 

- All unshaded cells must be connected in a single group of orthogonally connected cells.  

- Any given black cells indicate the corresponding cell cannot be shaded. 

About: This puzzle was invented by Anurag Sahay.

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